
The information disseminated on AMFI website about various categories of mutual fund schemes is for informational purposes for creating awareness about mutual funds as a financial product category and not for sales promotion nor solicitation of business.

The content herein has been prepared by AMFI on the basis of publicly available information, internal sources and other third-party sources believed to be reliable. However, AMFI cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information, assure its completeness, or warrant such information will not be changed.

The content herein does not take into account individual investor’s objectives, risk appetite or financial needs or circumstances or the suitability of the mutual fund products described herein. Hence, investors are advised to consult their professional investment adviser/ consultant/ tax advisor for investment advice in this regard.

A mutual fund scheme is NOT a DEPOSIT product and is not an obligation of, or guaranteed, or insured by the mutual fund or its AMC. Due to the nature of the underlying investments, the returns or the potential returns of a mutual fund product cannot be guaranteed. Historical performance, when presented, is purely for reference purposes and is not a guarantee of future results.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.